Profile settings can be found by clicking on your name in the upper right hand corner of Open LMS.
Click “Profile” to show a list of profile options..
Your profile contains message settings and other items that are set by default. The default selections are the desired settings for each option. You may wish to review the settings under messaging which dictates how Open LMS sends messages and alerts.
The most useful feature of editing your profile is adding an image that displays throughout Open LMS. The profile image is important for instructors because it allows students to see their face and develop a connection with the instructor. To add an image of yourself to Open LMS, begin by clicking Edit Profile in the User details area.
On the Edit Profile screen, scroll down to the area labeled User picture. Expand the User picture section, and click the paper icon with a plus in the New picture area..
Choose an image that is saved on your computer by clicking Browse, then click upload this file.
Your photo should now appear every time you make an announcement or forum post.
Revised January 2018