File Sharing in Teams

Please note the below instructions are created assuming you have read and reviewed the Getting Started with Microsoft Teams page.

  1. In your channel conversation, select the paperclip icon under the text box. 
    Arrow pointing towards attachment paper clip icon
  2. Select from the following options:
    1. Recent
    2. Browse Teams and Channels
    3. OneDrive
    4. Upload from my computer
      Attachment options: Recent, Browse Teams and Channels, OneDrive, and Upload from my computer
  3. Select the file and allow it time to fully upload. Once done, hit the Send icon.
    Arrow pointing to Send icon
  4. Files can be seen within the post conversation OR under that channel’s File tab.

    Post with file in Teams channel

    Files tab in Teams channel

Search for Messages, People or Files

Searches cover your entire organization – all teams and channels that you are apart of.

  1. Type a phrase in the search box at the top of the app and hit Enter.
  2. Select the Messages, People or Files tabs to further drill down on what you’re looking for.
    All, Messages, People, and Files tabs when a search is executed
  3. Select an item in the search results to open.