Enhancements to Requirement 1

Enhancements are ways you can take the requirement to a higher level. Enhancements are not required, but are recommended to improve your student’s online learning experience. Possible enhancements for Requirement 1 are listed below:

1. Coffeehouse Forum: Have each student ask questions of their classmates and provide extra credit points to any student who correctly answers.
2. Announcement Forum: Post an announcement at the beginning of each week summarizing the previous week’s module and providing a preview of what to expect for the current week.
3. Turn your syllabus into a graphic syllabus.
4. Use forums to answer student questions so you don’t have to answer each student individually (refer following students to the answer in the forum).
5. Make the Schedule of Assignments printable for students.
6. Make sure that you also change the date in the actual assignment.
7. If you use the calendar feature of Open LMS, be aware that not all activities appear on it automatically (e.g. discussion forums).