Creating A Quiz Settings (Step 1)

Creating a quiz is a two step process. Thinking of quizzes in this way will allow a better understanding of how to edit and update quizzes. The first step is to create the quiz settings. The settings holds due dates, quiz instructions, review options, questions per page settings, and various other settings for the quiz. The second step is to add the questions to the quiz.

The first set of options available when creating a quiz’s settings are shown in the image below. The “Name” field is required and will represent the hyperlink the student clicks on in the course. Remember, it is the name that will also go into the grade book so keep it short and simple.

The “Description” section is where you enter the information that your students will read before they take the test. Things to include in the Description section are due dates, the time allowed, the material the quiz covers (chapters or labs), open book/closed book and other instructions deemed necessary.


Name and Description areas for a quiz


Due Dates are set below the Description area under timing. Check the Enable box to activate the available and due dates settings. Once the Enable boxes are checked, set the available and due dates with the dropdown boxes. Set the time limit. The time limit can be set in seconds, minutes, hours, and days.


Quiz Timing settings

The layout section is where you can sort the question order, and add how many questions appear on a page. We recommend that you have multiple pages for your quiz and do not display all the questions on one page. The choices for question order are “shuffled randomly” or “as shown on the edit screen.” If the questions are “shuffled randomly,” each student receives a different question order for the quiz. If “as shown on the edit screen” is chosen, each student will see the test exactly as it looks on the edit screen.


Layout section


The important setting in the Question behavior section is “Shuffle within questions.” Pay close attention to this if there are any questions in your question bank that have question answers such as all of the above, both a & b and none of the above. These types of answers, if shuffled, will cause confusion. For example, a multiple choice question, if “shuffled within question” is selected, can display “all of the above” as the “answer A” instead of the last choice.


Quiz behavior section


The Review options portion of the Quiz settings hold important options. There are four sections: During the attempt, Immediately after the attempt, Later, while the quiz is still open, After the quiz is closed.

During the attempt
These setting should not be changed in most cases

Immediately after the attempt
These are the settings that the student sees immediately after they finish the quiz. Two minutes after the attempt, the review options change to “Later, while the quiz is still open” once the student clicks off of the test review.

Later, while the quiz is still open
For restrictive settings that limit what the student’s are able to see, these setting should be the same as immediately after the attempt. The student sees these settings two minutes after the quiz is complete. The quiz is still available.

After the quiz is closed
These are the settings that students see after the due date has passed. Every setting can be checked here, but be aware that any student who takes the test after the due date (by special request) could have seen the answers from another student.

The checkboxes for each section are described below:

The Attempt
This shows the student the entire attempt after the test is over. Be careful of checking this for any section except During the attempt and After the quiz is closed. If it is selected under Immediately after attempt column, the student could share the test with another student after they finish the test.

Whether correct
This shows the student whether their answer was correct or not. Not available if the attempt is unchecked.

Shows the student what they made on the quiz. Crucial, check for each section.

All feedback checkboxes show feedback that is set inside questions and the quiz itself.

Right Answer
Shows the student which answer is the correct answer. Only show this in the section After the quiz is closed.

The image below shows a typical setup for a quiz where the student can only see the answers after the quiz is closed. If you are unsure what settings you need, this setup is a good start. Be sure to hit “Save..” once done.


Review Options: Marks and overall feedback are checked for immediately after the attempt and later while the quiz is still closed. After the quiz is close has all boxes checked