
The Assignment activity allows students to upload a file.   Examples types of files students can submit include: Word, Excel, graphics and PowerPoint presentations. You can also have the student submit a text-only assignment instead of submitting a file. As the instructor, only you and the student can see the submitted file.

For additional information on Moodle assignments, visit Moode’s Assignment Help Page, Assignment Rubric Grading Page, and the Moodle Assignment Quick Guide.

Creating an Assignment Activity

In the Activity chooser, pick assignment. The image below the first part of the assignment screen. This section is broken down into the following areas.

Assignment Name
Enter the name of the assignment. It will display in the course as a link and in it will also appear in the gradebook with this name. Keep it short but descriptive.

The description field holds the instructions the student will need to complete the assignment.

General area in an assignment shows the assignment name and description


Available From/Due/Cut-off Date

These fields allow you to specify time frames for submission, due dates and the cut-off date.  Click enable to use a specific Availability setting. The cut-off is usually disabled by default. Check it to prevent submissions. The date can match the due date or you can allow a few extra days after the due date before submissions are cut off.

The time is in military time. Be consistent through out your course with due dates and times.  This allows the students to easily develop a routine.


Cutoff date and due date are enabled with the same dates

Submission Types

Online Text
If only Online text is checked, the assignment becomes a written assignment or allows the student to type a message to the instructor. Instead of submitting a PDF or Word file, the students types their paper using Open LMS’s text editor.

File Submission
When File submission is checked, a file must be submitted by the student. This includes Word files, PDFs, images, Excel files, audio files, video files, and many other types of digital files.

Accepted File Types
Enter file extensions here if you want to restrict what students can submit.Common extensions include .pdf (Adobe PDF) and .docx (Word). Do not separate list by a comma.


Submissions types


The image below displays the Grade section of an Assignment. The instructor sets grading details here. If the Grade setting is left at “No Grade” the assignment will not appear in the Gradebook. The total possible points (Grade) must be set from 1 to 100 in order for it to appear in the Gradebook. The grading method is almost always set to “Simple direct grading” unless a rubric is being used.


Submission Settings

Require students click submit button:  Students are required to click submit to turn in the file.  If they do not click submit, the file will show in the instructor view as a Draft document. Once students submit the file they are not able to make changes or upload another document. Unless specifically needed, set this to “No”.

Require that students accept the submission statement:  Students promise the work is their own and have to agree to the statement before submitting their work. Our statement currently says “This assignment is my own work, except where I have acknowledged the use of the works of other people.”. The default is “No” but instructors can set it to yes to force students to acknowledge they are submitting their own work.

Attempts reopened: This setting asks how the attempt can be re-opened. This is in relation to the submit button. The setting “Manual” gives the instructor the ability to manually allow students to submit again..


Submission settings require students to click the submit button, require that students acccept the submission statement, attemptsreopned, and maximum attempts


The number of points the assignment is worth can be added under maximum. When you grade a student in the assignment, the maximum grade field is locked. Remember to check your maximum point value before grading.  If you are using categories, you will be able to put the assignment in a category in this area. Remember to set the desired settings before you assign grades to students.


Grade type, scale, and maximum grade.

Save and Return

Click the “Save and return to course” button to save the assignment.

Revised June 2020