A page is a Moodle resource that grants instructors the ability to create a web page resource using a text editor. When a page is clicked on within a course, it opens up a pop up window displaying the content. Follow the steps below to create a URL resource in Moodle.
Creating a Page
To create a Page click the activity chooser (Add an activity or resource at the bottom of each topic). In the Activity Chooser popup window, scroll down to resources and choose Page near the bottom of the list.
On the Page creation screen, there are two important text fields. “Name” holds the name of the link which will display on the main course page. Skip the Description field unless you need to convey information about the link on the main course area. When using the description, be sure to always check display description on course page.
Finally, type or paste the location of the web page. The image below shows a URL that points to Google. All other items can be left with default values.
Scroll to the bottom of the the page and hit the “Save and return to course” button.
Revised: July 2021